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美孚力富 SHC 系列

美孚力富 SHC? 系列润滑油经过专门设计,可充分满足严苛温度下应用的润滑要求。

我们的美孚力富 SHC? 系列多用途润滑脂是经过专门设计的高性能合成润滑脂,可为在严苛温度下应用的设备提供保护。出色的粘性、结构稳定性和耐水性,使其广泛适用于多种设备和组件。

美孚力富 SHC 系列润滑脂可提供卓越的抗磨损、防锈和防腐蚀保护,从而帮助:

  • 提高设备运行效率

  • 帮助延长轴承和设备使用寿命

  • 实现长润滑脂使用寿命

  • 减少维护成本

  • 减少能耗和起动扭矩

  • 延长的补脂周期有助缩短停机时间并降低维护成本

  • 具有防锈、防腐蚀和抗磨损性,有助延长设备寿命

  • 370 余家制造商认可或支持美孚力富 SHC 系列润滑脂

  • 在严苛条件下仍能提供卓越保护,帮助减少维护

美孚力富 SHC? 系列提供 7 个润滑油等级。




显示了 7 款推荐产品,共 7 个产品等级

Mobilith SHC 007

Mobilith SHC? 系列润滑脂是针对极端温度条件下的各种应用而研发的优质产品。

Mobilith SHC 100

Mobilith SHC? 系列润滑脂是针对极端温度条件下的各种应用而研发的优质产品。

Mobilith SHC 1000 Special

Mobilith SHC? 系列润滑脂是针对极端温度条件下的各种应用而研发的优质产品。

Mobilith SHC 1500

Mobilith SHC? 系列润滑脂是针对极端温度条件下的各种应用而研发的优质产品。

Mobilith SHC 220

Mobilith SHC? 系列润滑脂是针对极端温度条件下的各种应用而研发的优质产品。

Mobilith SHC 221

美孚力富 SHC? 系列润滑脂是针对极端温度条件下的各种应用而研发的优质产品。

Mobilith SHC 460

Mobilith SHC? 系列润滑脂是针对极端温度条件下的各种应用而研发的优质产品。

Features and Benefits

The Mobil SHC brand of oils and greases are recognized and appreciated around the world for their innovation and outstanding performance. The Mobilith SHC series symbolizes ExxonMobil's continued commitment to using advanced technology to provide outstanding products. A key factor in the development of the Mobilith SHC Series were the close contacts between our scientists and application specialists with key Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to ensure that our product offerings would provide exceptional performance in the continually evolving industrial equipment designs.

Our work with equipment builders has helped confirm the results from our own laboratory tests showing the exceptional performance of the Mobilith SHC Series lubricants. These benefits include longer grease life, enhanced bearing protection and bearing life, wide temperature range of application, and the potential for improved mechanical efficiency and energy savings.

To combat high thermal exposure of the oil our product formulation scientists chose proprietary synthetic base oils for Mobilith SHC Series oils because of their exceptional thermal/oxidative resistance potential. Our scientists developed a state-of-the-art lithium complex thickener technology and used specific additives to enhance the performance of each grade of the Mobilith SHC Series product family. The Mobilith SHC Series greases offer the following features and benefits:


FeaturesAdvantages and Potential Benefits
Outstanding high temperature and low temperature performanceWide application temperature ranges, with excellent protection at high temperatures and low torque, easy start-up at low temperatures
Excellent protection against wear, rust and corrosionReduced downtime and maintenance costs because of reduced wear, rust and corrosion
Excellent thermal stability and oxidation resistanceExtended service life with longer intervals between relubrication and improved bearing life
Low traction coefficientPotential to improve mechanical life and reduced energy consumption
Includes both high and low viscosity gradesOptions for outstanding protection of slow speed, heavily loaded bearings, and options for good low temperature performance
Outstanding structural stability in the presence of waterRetains excellent grease performance in hostile aqueous environments
Low volatilityHelps resists viscosity increase at high temperatures to maximize relubrication intervals and bearing life



Application Considerations: While Mobilith SHC Series greases are compatible with most mineral oil based products, admixture may detract from their performance. Consequently it is recommended that before changing a system to one of the Mobilith SHC Series, it should be thoroughly cleaned out to achieve the maximum performance benefits. While the Mobilith SHC Series greases share many performance benefits, their applications are best described in terms of each product grade:

  • Mobilith SHC 100 is an antiwear and extreme pressure grease primarily recommended for higher speed applications such as electric motors, where reduced friction, low wear and long service life are required. It is an NLGI 2 Grade / ISO VG 100 grease with a synthetic base fluid. Its operating temperature range is -40o C* to 150o C.

  • Mobilith SHC 220 is a multi-purpose, NLGI 2 extreme pressure grease recommended for heavy-duty automotive and industrial applications. It uses an ISO VG 220 synthetic base fluid. Mobilith SHC 220 has a recommended operating temperature range of -40o C* to 150o C.

  • Mobilith SHC 221 is a multi-purpose, extreme pressure grease recommended for heavy-duty automotive and industrial applications, particularly where centralized grease systems are utilized. It uses an ISO VG 220 synthetic base fluid. Mobilith SHC 221 has a recommended operating temperature range of -40o C to 150o C.

  • Mobilith SHC 460 is an NLGI 1.5 Grade grease with ISO VG 460 synthetic base fluid and is an extreme pressure grease recommended for tough industrial and marine applications. It provides outstanding bearing protection under heavy loads at low-to-moderate speeds and in applications where water resistance is a critical factor. Mobilith SHC 460 has demonstrated outstanding performance in steel mills, paper mills and marine applications. The recommended operating temperature range is -30o C* to 150oC.

  • Mobilith SHC 1000 Special is an NLGI 2 Grade grease with ISO VG 1000 synthetic base fluid and strongly fortified with solid lubricants including 11% graphite and 1% molybdenum disulphide for maximum protection of plain or rolling element bearings operating under boundary lubrication regimes. This product is designed to extend bearing life under conditions of extremely slow speeds, sliding contacts, and high temperatures. Mobilith SHC 1000 Special has a recommended operating temperature of -30°C* to 150 °C with appropriate relubrication intervals.

  • Mobilith SHC 1500 is an NLGI 1.5 Grade / ISO VG 1500 grease with a synthetic base fluid. It is intended for use in plain and rolling element bearings operating at extremely slow speeds, under heavy loads and high temperatures. Mobilith SHC 1500 has a recommended operating temperature range of -30 oC* to 150 oC with appropriate relubrication intervals. Continuous lubrication with Mobilith SHC 1500 has been very effective in prolonging bearing life in a severe roll press application. Mobilith SHC 1500 has also provided excellent performance in rotary kiln roller bearings and in slag transfer rail car bearings.

  • Mobilith SHC 007 is an NLGI 00 Grade / ISO VG 460 grease with a synthetic base fluid; it has a recommended operating temperature range of -50o C to 150 o C with appropriate relubrication intervals. Its primary uses are in grease filled industrial gear cases subject to high temperatures, where conventional semi fluid greases will not provide acceptable lubricant life and in non-driven heavy-duty truck trailer wheel hubs.

*Low temperature claims based on ASTM D 1478 results vs. maximum limits of 10,000 / 1000 gcm @ startup and 1 hour respectively.


Specifications and Approvals

Mobilith SHC Series meets or exceeds the requirements of:1002202214601000 Special1500007
DIN 51825: (2004-06)KPHC 2N-40KPHC 2N-30-KPHC 1-2N-40KPFHC 2N-30KPHC 1-2N-30-
DIN 51826: (2005-01)------GPHC 00K-30


Mobilith SHC Series has the following builder approvals:1002202214601000 Special1500007
Fives CincinnatiP-73



*For product only supplied to North American Railroads 


Typical Properties

Mobilith SHC Series1002202214601000 Special1500007
NLGI Grade2211.521.500
Thickener TypeLithium ComplexLithium ComplexLithium ComplexLithium ComplexLithium ComplexLithium ComplexLithium Complex
Color, VisualRedRedLight TanRedGrey BlackRedRed
Penetration, Worked, 25oC, ASTM D 217280280325305280305415
Dropping Point, oC, ASTM D 2265265265265265265265-
Viscosity of Oil, ASTM D 445 cSt @ 40oC10022022046010001500460
4-Ball Weld, ASTM D 2596, Load, Kg250250250250620250250
Water Washout, ASTM D 1264, 79 oC, % Wt. Loss63432.62.5-
Rust Protection, ASTM D 6138, Distilled Water0,00,00,00,00,00,0-
Corrosion Protection, ASTM D 1743, RatingPassPassPassPassPassPass-
4-Ball Wear, ASTM D 2266, Scar, mm0.500.500.500.500.500.500.50
Low Temperature Torque, ASTM D 1478, Torque @ Startup/1 Hour in gcm and Test To9520/2199 @ -50 oC4361/836 @ -40 oC----9060/2944 @ -40 oC----1874/?1000 @ -20 oC----
U.S. Mobility, AM-S 1390, -18 oC, gms/min20.011.0----5.0----3.0----


Health and Safety

Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDS's are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.

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